This here looks like a great site, if you're in the right country for it...
Charity Navigator - America's Largest Charity Evaluator
We all know that this world needs some serious improvement, but it all seems so overwhelming at times. This site will give you some simple, practical steps that you can take to help right the wrongs.
This here looks like a great site, if you're in the right country for it...
So what can I do?
Jubilee Debt Campaign : Lobby your MP
Why not raise awareness of the Jubilee Debt Campaign, by printing off a few of these Soduko flyers and leaving them in your workplace's tea room?
Interestingly, the World Vision US Gift Catalog lists a goat at $75. So you might do better to invest offshore. USA Gift Catalog.
World Vision UK have a whole catalog of great gift ideas. Buy a Zambian goat for £13, or a toilet for £33. Order their UK Christmas catalog now.